Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Play Must Go West Essay Example For Students

The Play Must Go West Essay Soon after the American Revolution, Americans began their expansion to the west. It was our Manifest Destiny to tame the wilds of the west and expand our nation from coast to coast. Families from all over would load up their belongings and travel to the newly purchased lands. People from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and all parts of the new nation brought with them their language, culture and belief systems. Along with this they also brought the theater. It was not long after people would begin to live in an area that the theater would take root. The progress of the theater in the United States can be traced along the same routes as the settlement of the west. Beginning on the east coast with early colonies the theater was carried with our ancestors to their new homes in the west. From St. Louise to Kansas City, from Kansas City to California and all parts in between. Horace Greeley said Go west young man and the theater followed. In 1492 Christopher Columbus left Azones on a trip to discover a western sea route to the Orient. Seventy days later Columbus made land fall on what he thought was an outlying portion of Asia. We will write a custom essay on The Play Must Go West specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Columbus would go to his death believing he had landed in Asia, he was wrong. Although he did open up a new world for Europeans to expand their culture into. (Billington 15) Thought many early attempts where made to settle this new land. Most ended in disaster. In 1620 however, 128 years after Columbus made his brave but mistaken discovery of the new world, the pilgrims set out to make a permanent settlement in America. They put a shore in what is now called Massachusetts and formed a thriving, self governed colony. (Billington 57) 10 years later, John Wintrope brings 1000 colonist and founds the city of Boston. Wintropes British settlement had not been in the new world long, in fact less than a year, when they discovered that the Dutch had formed their own nearby settlement. The Dutch called their town New Amsterdam. This caused immediate competition and rivalry between the settlements. (Billington 60) After a war with the Dutch the city of New Amsterdam came into the possession of the British Empire and King Charles the Second. King Charles had newly been restored to the throne of England after a long forced vacation on the mainland of Europe. As a reward to those who supported his return, he annexed New Amsterdam and renamed it New York and gave large portions of it to his most loyal supporters. (Billington 67) In the ensuing years many English colonist came to the new world setting up towns and cities all along the Atlantic coast line. It is in these towns and cities that we see European culture, especially English culture, being planted in the new world. With this new culture being brought to this new and untamed land it is natural that the forms of entertainment would also not be far behind. The lands of the new world where now fertile for the seed of the theater. In 1716 we have records of a theater being built in Willamsburg Virginia. This is probable the first theater built in the Americas. While there where probable plays and some small theatrical productions being done earlier, this is our first ever record of a building being built for this specific purpose. (Hornblow) We know that in New York in 1752, the Hallams performed the Merchant of Venice. We also know that the Hallams used a theater that was build for use by Murray and Kean who had a troupe who had performed the same play along with Richard the III many years earlier. 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It would take the formation of a new country and an expansion of the boarders of this new country to help theater on its western trek across the great expanses of North America. Caused by what they believed was an erosions of their natural rights and being governed with out representation The colonies in America decided to take a bold move and break their ties with their English masters. This of course was not well received by the King of England and what is known as the American Revolution ensued. In 1775 in Lexington and Concord fighting broke out between American Colonist and English Troops. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed a document that had been penned by Thomas Jefferson. The document was a Declaration of Independence. While the matter was by no means decided and a long war followed, for all practical purposes the United States Of America was born. (McKay 696) In an effort to expand the borders of the United States and to help get European interest off the continent. Thomas Jefferson, now president of the United States purchases from France a vast area called Louisiana. So on April 30th, 1803 the territory of the fledgling country of the United States was more than doubled. In this territory there where already established cities and populations. Cities like New Orleans and St. Louise had long been active trading areas for the French and Spanish governments. (Billington 244) These areas quickly became attractive for new migrations of the Americans. Although both cities spoke very little English. The rapid movement of Americans into them caused a need for English spoken entertainment. In New Orleans there where French speaking theaters as early as 1809 but there had never been any English language plays performed. A man named Noah Ludlow with the help of some actors from the Turner company decided to go to New Orleans and perform. They had been told that there was a large English speaking population there now and they where in need to spend their money on English speaking plays. This is all that Ludlow needed. Although some of his partners protested and left the troupe, Ludlow with many others departed from Nashville on Oct. 0th 1917. (Hornblow) They traveled down the Ohio river to the Mississippi They arrived in Natches some days later and upon the insistence of the local movers and shakers performed one of their plays. The Honeymoon was the first play to ever be performed in Natches. The troupe stayed for a few days but then continued their travels to New Orleans. On Dec. 24th 1817 Ludlow and his trouped opened their theater in New Orleans with the plays The Honeymoon and a farce called The Hotel, or a servant with two masters. The theater was called the St. Philip because it was on St. Phillips St. The venture was a huge success before Ludlow decided to go back to Nashville for other endeavors. (Hornblow) It is only fitting that the man who brought theater to the Louisiana territory be the one who brings it to St. Louis. Noah Ludlow decided that the small city of St. Louis was ripe for his theater troupe. With a population of some 4000 St. Louis had never seen a professional performance of a play. There where some amateurs performing in the area and in their theater is where ludlow decided to set up. (Hornblow) On Nov 20th 1819, Ludlow and his troupe boarded a keel boat in Nashville and started on his journey to St. Louis. This journey was much more difficult than the one to New Orleans for part of the trip was up current on the Mississippi. They had to travel by a procedure called Cordelling. This entailed men with ropes pulling the boats up the river. Finally arriving in St. Louse Ludlows troupe performed in mid December 1819. They once again performed the play The Honeymoon. (Hornblow) Theater had now expanded to the western shores of the Mississippi. .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .postImageUrl , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:hover , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:visited , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:active { border:0!important; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:active , .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838 .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u673e39c5ba40f79675174aadeaa3c838:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare1 EssayThe United States would soon conquer from coast to coast in North American. Expanding from the Mississippi to the coast in California. As the Mormons expanded into the great Salt lake area of Utah and the Mexican War would add vast new land, including California into the United States the theater would not be far behind On may 16, 1846 the United States declared war on Mexico. Caused partially because of United States annexation of Texas, disagreements on borders and President Polks desire to expand the United States territory. (Clark) While preparations for war where ensuing in Texas, Col. Stephen Kearney was on his way west to take New Mexico and California. On Jan. 10th 1847, California was conquered. The treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo was signed on Feb 2, 1848 after the United States had defeated the Mexican troops and captured the Mexican capital of Mexico City. This treaty set the new borders along the Rio Grande river and gave to the United States New Mexico and California. With these new accusations the west was now ready for its infusion of the theater. (Billington 586) On July 24th, 1847, A group of Mormons lead by Brigham Young founded the city of Salt Lake in the territory of Utah. Billington 541) The Mormon had always been supporters of the theater and they carried their love of the theater with them west. Joseph Smith encouraged the formation of a Theatrical company long before their exodus to the west. (Hornblow) Soon after settling in their new homes Salt Lake City plays where being performed. In an area called the Bowery the Mormons would congregate to watch all sorts of productions. It was here in 1850 that the Salt Lake Theater Stock Company was created. Their first play was The Dead Shot In 1862 Brigham young built the Salt Lake Theater. Hornblow) While this was going on in Salt Lake City American where rushing to California to cash in on the gold rush. In 1849 the famous gold rush began in California. (Clark) As American headed west to the shores of the Pacific ocean theater followed. On Jan 1850 in Washington Hall, a building in San Francisco. The first professional play was performed in California. A play by Sheridan Knowles called The Wife played to a packed house. By 1851 there where at least 3 professional theaters operating in San Francisco. (Hornblow) Manifest Destiny, this became the call of many Americans as the United States expanded westward. We got on boats, filled our wagons and populated North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Times where hard for these early settlers but in it all they found time for entertainment. The theater has been there from the beginning to entertain, educate and make us think. Not only has the theater expanded across the land it has expanded across time. While some would argue it was a natural expansion of the theater to the camera and then to the television. Our lives are totally entwined in the theatrical arts. So when Horace Greeley said Go west young man we did and we took the theater with us.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Themes Of The Glass Menagerie Essays - English-language Films

Themes Of The Glass Menagerie Essays - English-language Films Themes Of The Glass Menagerie The Glass Menagerie is a play that contains intense human feelings; frustration, shyness, regretfulness, anger, and sadness. The play is set in the apartment of the Wingfield family. In this cramped, dinghy place lives three characters; Amanda, Laura, and Tom, who are desperate to make their dream come true. Amanda is a shrew, she wants to live through her daughter, Laura. Her dream is for her daughter to marry to a well-educated man and support her throughout the rest of her life. Amanda always make complaining remarks about her husband who had left her with Tom and Laura. Amanda nags Tom for spending too much time watching movies instead of working and finding a suitable for Laura. She likes to brag about how many Gentleman callers came to her house to pursue her. Tom is the narrator of the play. His dream is to be a poet and have no responsibilities to his family. He works at a warehouse, which he doesnt appreciate because it avoids him to complete his dream. He detests when his mother tell him what to do and how to do it, sometimes he has to act without pity. Laura is shy and has a low self-esteem. She is compared to her glass collection, fragile in every sense. As an effect of a childhood illness, she was left crippled, which made her think that she was less than everybody else. She avoids socializing because she is afraid of breaking up, however this changes when she sees her old crush, Jim Occonor. Her dream is to feel good about herself and to get out of her depression. Each character desires to escape from this lifestyle, poverty is what has them trap. The fire escape provides a different purpose for each of the characters. From the opening of the play, Toms addresses the audience from the fire escape. The fire escape allows Tom to get out of the apartment and away from his nagging mother. Amanda sees it as an entrance for the Gentleman callers to enter their lives. Laura hides inside the apartment not in the fire escape. The fire escape separates authenticity from the undiscovered. Tom escapes in more than one way, first is the fire escape which leads him away from his home, then the movies. The movies temporarily takes him to another world, where mothers and runaways fathers doesnt exist. He also gets away by drinking. He wants to escape his responsibilities of taking care of his mother and sister. He wishes to have a life of his own. Laura finds an escape through her glass collection. She also finds relieves in playing the same old record day after day. Across their apartment is the Paradise Dance Hall. Perhaps the music floating up to the apartment from the dance hall is supposed to be her escape which she just cant take. As time goes its getting harder and harder for Tom to avoid the real world, and the time for him to leave comes. When he leaves , he feels guilty for abandoning Laura . However, he discovers that he hasnt escaped, but led himself onto a path of even more powerful desperation. The theme escape is used throughout the play to demonstrate the hopelessness of each characters dreams. For the characters, an escape is possible, however, in the end no one finds a clear break. Bibliography Williams, Tennesse. The Glass Menagerie.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Case study 2-2 Essay Example for Free (#2)

Case study 2-2 Essay Case Project 2-2 I would determine whether an investigation is required for this type of situation. I would make am initial assessment about the case that I will be investigating. Meanwhile, determining the type a design of approach for this particular case. I would then estimate the time of each step, when the check was issued and as the amount. I would ask Jonathan to interview the other individual who has access to the company’s accounting program. I would review the company computer as well as the accounting program and see if there are any significant documents; which would including the company checkbook and ledger, as well as contact the bank for the most current bank statement. Any type of information pertaining or related to that particular check, which was issued during that time. However, if cleared, then further investigation has to be done. I would examine that employee’s email for anything suspicious as well as surveillance cameras within that office. I would also study the suspects work habits as well. I would ask Jonathan to locate and itemized any details of the subcontractor’s job amounting to $10,750 and the facts of the check for the amount $12,750. I would try to find the facts of the $2,000 difference, if available by comparing bank statements, and the accounting program. I will inform him to be very watchful of any relevant information that may eventually be evidence in this type of criminal case, which could be employee theft or embezzlement. If this other person beside Jonathan is involved in this crime and not being an  accounting error, has taken place, I would recommend Jonathan to allow me to further my investigation with this company. Case study 2-2. (2016, Apr 11). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Revolutions of 1848 and those taking place in the Middle East in Essay

The Revolutions of 1848 and those taking place in the Middle East in 2011 - Essay Example The revolutions of 1848 were caused due to the widespread discontent with the ruling establishments in Europe. The same reasons caused unrest in the Middle East. However, the European revolutions were fueled by a starving peasantry and the working urban poor; whereas in the middle east today, in addition to complaints about poverty and unemployment, is a strong desire to end corruption in high places and accountability from their rulers. â€Å"If you're a minister, you are a civil servant, you are an employee of the government. With all due respect, my taxes pay for your salary." is the people’s message to their rulers. The revolutions in Europe aimed to overthrow monarchies, those in the middle east want to overthrow the rule of powerful dictators who are ignorant or insensitive to the aspirations of their subjects. It is a truism in political science that successful revolutions are born in the streets. This is true of both the uprisings in Europe as well as those we are see ing today in the Middle East. When people gathered in large numbers in the streets or protested before the symbols of power,they were put down by brute force by those at the helm.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Problem Set Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problem Set - Assignment Example The old formula works better. Two people who took the old formula felt relief in less than 20 minutes, compared to none who took the new formula. Also, the worst result – near 120 minutes - was the new formula. The average time for the new formula to relieve a headache is lower than the average time for the old formula. I would conclude that people taking the new formula will tend to feel relief about 20 minutes sooner than those taking the old formula. The number of patients in the two groups is not the same so there is no fair way to compare the two formulas. A baseball fan likes to keep track of statistics for the local high school baseball team. One of the statistics she recorded is the proportion of hits obtained by each player based on the number of times at bat as shown in the table below. Which of the following graphs gives the best display of the distribution of the proportion of hits in that it allows the baseball fan to describe the shape, center, and spread of the variable, proportion of hits? Reasons: For item No. 6: The percentage of scores having 30 or below is about half of the lower 25% as the box both for section 1 and 2 as shown in their respective boxplot. For item No. 7 The same as in No. 6. Since 80 is the median score the upper 50% are having scores 80 and above for both sections. For item No. 8 The best presentation is plotting the percentage of hits to the number of players who made it. Graph C best represents the trend. It tells how many students make the highest percentage hits, and so on and so forth.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of the Bill No. AB 29 Essay Example for Free

Analysis of the Bill No. AB 29 Essay The bill considered for this paper is Bill No. AB 29, authored by Price and Swanson, with subject â€Å"Healthcare Coverage†. The bill was introduced in 1st December 2008 and amended on the 24th of March 2010. 1. Overview of the health problem Based from the analyses provided for the bill, this bill has been proposed and argued for on the grounds that it has the ability to curve statistics for the largest uninsured segment of the population in California which is comprised of teenagers aged 19-23 (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). This age range, consisting the 27. 3% of the uninsured individuals in California, has been excluded from eligibility to received healthcare benefits under their parent’s insurance coverage, on the basis of age (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). This then, according to the research presented by the proponents of the bill, disposes these individuals of this age to seek their insurance coverage somewhere and shoulder the costs themselves (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). The costs of which may be considered expensive for these people to handle and thus, they prefer to skip making applications (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). This is the current situation in California, and one which the bill specifically targets to address. The bill seeks to extend the dependent coverage for medical insurance of children up to 27 years of age. While the existing legal provisions- also those apparent in Knox and Keene Health Service Care Plan of 1975- do not impose any restrictions to the current conditions imposed by employers on matters concerning the medical insurance coverage for dependent children, the statistics for insured population belonging to the young adult group remains to be high and these statistics cause an alarming reality of the current status of accessibility to quality health care by the young adult population. The bill seeks to extend the medical insurance coverage of children who have been considered as dependents of their parents. For parents whose insurance coverage is paid for by the employer, the bill provides them the opportunity to maintain the dependent coverage for their children by making payments of the additional premiums (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4) Presently, children who reach the age of 21 or after they graduate high school or college are disabled from further being enrolled as dependents of their parents for premium coverage or health care insurance. This scenario reveals that this particular group of individuals will remain to get neglected, as far as matters about fair and equal accessibility to heath care insurance policies are concerned if no actions are done now to at lest protect them from being excluded from necessary accesses. This bill will affect the almost 30% uninsured population of California, as well as the number of insurance companies and employers whoa re currently providing health care insurance overage for parents whose children or who have any children that belong to this particular age-group. 2. Severity of the health problem As there are no existing legal provisions that would discourage the current situation, this business culture presents a serious problem for any society who puts high importance to the accessibility of quality healthcare to its citizens, regardless of age. The current practices regarding the admission of young adults for medical coverage under their parents’ insurance accounts have very stringent rules. The background research provided in the Bill Analysis identify that most parents who cover their children as listed beneficiaries of medical coverage that is under their insurance account are working parents whom medical coverage was obtained though the employers’ provisions. However, the existing agreement between the employer and most insurance providers revoke young adults’ eligibility to remain beneficiaries under their parents’ insurance account on two grounds: (1) if they are not enrolled in college for full-time; or (2) after the children turn 19, graduate from high school, or graduate from college (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). The gravity of the reality of the situation is compounded by the fact that, according to the research background provided in the Bill Analysis, young adults encounter difficulty applying for medical insurance coverage and getting accepted with their applications (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). This reality is based on several reasons. According to the research background provided in the bill analysis, statistics show that these particular age range, the young adult population, often end up with low paying jobs and hold temporary positions (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 3). Thus, they receive meager salaries and are excluded from receiving health insurance benefits provided for by the company as one of the incentives employees get (Bill Analysis, 2009, pp. 3-4). Existing legal provisions also support exclusion of this particular age range from being eligible to receive benefits from public programs if they are considered healthy and childless (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). According to the presented report on public programs in the Bill Analysis, children are only included in the Medi-Cal program before they reach the age of 21, after which, they are pretty much on their own. Only young adults with children, pregnant, or with disability are qualified to receive the benefits of the program of the Medi-Cal (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). The risks associated with the present circumstances are high. Generally, it curves down the access of this particular population to quality health care (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). This leaves serious implications to the young adult and his or her family. The most obvious is that, in case of medical emergencies, a large-out of the pocket expenses would be required from the family if the young adult patient happens to be not covered by any health care insurance policy (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). 3. Overview of the bill The bill has undergone two Assembly Committee Analyses and one Senate Committee Analysis on the 28th and 14th of April 2008 and on the 26th of March 2009, respectively. This bill inserts some additional conditions and requirements to the existing Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975 (Knox-Keene Act). Essentially, the bill requires the lifting of the existing age limit implemented by employers and health care insurance providers upon dependent coverage; and provide the conditions under which these additional requirements can be fulfilled without necessarily passing the costs of which to employers health care insurance firms. Specifically, it targets to impose these four conditions: First, the bill â€Å"would prohibit, with a specified exception, the limiting age for dependent children covered by these health care service plan contracts and group health insurance policies from being less than 27 years of age† (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, par. 2). Secondly, the â€Å"bill would also provide that no employer is required to pay the cost of coverage for dependents who are at least 23 years of age, but less than 27 years of age. The bill instead would authorize subscribers and insureds to elect to provide coverage tot hose dependents by contributing the premium for that coverage† (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, par. 2). Thirdly, while the constitution of California requires the reimbursements of costs to local agencies and school districts based in the mandate of the state, the bill â€Å"would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason† (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, pars. 4-5). Lastly, the bill imposes that any violations of the additional requirements it has on the Know-Keene Act is to be considered a crime (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, par. 3). Section 1 of the bill stipulates conditions requiring the deletion of age limit to criteria eligibility and changing the age limit of the child into twenty-seven. This section also provides that the plan contract should not specify any conditions leading to the individual’s exemption from Medi-Cal’s benefits; automatic inclusion to benefits entitlement of children and spouses to medical coverage upon moment of birth, or in case of adopted child, from the moment that the legal documents for adoption have been signed or any document stating that the responsibility for health care for the adopted is admitted by the individual adopting; and no plan contract shall be entered upon if there exist conditions in the plan that waive or disclaim or state any other terms of limitation that apply to newborn infants or to adopted children, and allowing the firms to either offer or not mental health and eye health services (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 1, A-G). The section 2 of the bill stipulates the conditions that plan holders have the freedom to choose the medical professional they prefer and that this selection would not be under the discretion of the health insurance firm provider, except for mental and vision health care professionals (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 2, A-D). The Section 3 of the bill reinforces that none of the provisions included in the bill supports or tolerates the performance of any medical activity by any licensed someone who does not have the capacity to do so,; the chosen medical or licensed professional should perform on that which is within the field of his or her specialization. The Section 4 of the Bill stipulates the definition of ‘marriage and family therapist’. The section states that the person should be a licensed professional who has received specific instructions that are equivalent with the instructions or learning required for the January 1, 1981 licensure test (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 4). This section 5 of the Bill requires that the vision and/ or mental health care professional to be chosen by the plan holder should be one that is affiliated with the health insurance provider (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 5). This section also suggests ready availability of psychologists provided by health insurance firms that offer mental services; however, the failure to comply does not constitute a crime (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 5). The Section 6 of the Bill states that the definition for ‘individual practice association’ adopted in the Bill is consistent with the definition used in the Sec. 1307 of the Federal Public health service Act (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 6). The rest of the bill also talks about that a child, 18 years of age and enrolled fulltime in secondary or post secondary school, and enrolled in a medical coverage remains to be eligible during break from schools (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 7); any child who takes medical leave from school and whose conditions render him physically incapable of maintaining self-employment, the provisions stipulated in (D) applies if the child is primarily dependent on the policy holder (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 6); requires that the health insurance firm informs about the termination of coverage if the child reaches appropriate age (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 7); submission of certification of the medical necessity for leave of absence is necessary to be made to the health care insurance firm within thirty days after the first day of the leave of absence (Legislative Counsel’s Digest, 2009, Sec. 7). 4. Promises/ Expected Outcome The promises and expected outcome of the bill would definitely be evident in the statistics concerning the number of young adults without insurance coverage. With the outright provision that lifts the age-limit and substitute it with longer age, the population of young adults without any insurance coverage will be decreased. The Bill also allows better access to health care options for this particular segment of people (young adults). It also relieves the parents the worries that in case of serious medical emergencies involving a young adult of their family, very high of the pocket costs would be required for medication. 5. Supporters of the bill This bill, with its current status of being ‘proposed’, receives a great deal of support from concerned individuals and different organizations. According to the Bill Analysis report, supporters of the proposal include â€Å"the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the California Commission on the Status of Women, the California Medical Association, and Health Access California †¦ American Federation of State, and County ad Municipal Employees† (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). These groups supporting the bill agree in two major points. Firstly, it is pointed out that the bill provides a very good channel for young adults who still rely upon their parents for financial assistance to remain covered by adequate health insurance coverage, especially at the current time when there is difficulty securing and maintaining health care coverage for this particular age group (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 4). Secondly, it is argued that the proposed provision that allows employees to shoulder premiums for the health care insurance coverage of their children who belong in this particular age range can be translated into additional revenues for the state, aside from the fact that there will be a peace of mind for parents that comes with the awareness that every member of their family is being adequately covered (Bill Analysis, 2009, pp. 4-5). 6. Opponents of the bill Not everyone welcomes the proposal of the bill though. According to the Bill Analysis Report, the opponents of the proposed bill include the representatives of health plans, health insurance firms, as well as employers. The arguments are always associated with financial risks and additional costs that the firms may incur once the bill is passed and implemented. These groups argue that the inclusions of this particular age group for eligibility to receive coverage under premiums paid for by their parents, until the age of 27, would only result to the conflict between the premiums and the existing federal tax rules referring to deductibility of taxes imposed on health insurance premiums (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 5). More than that, however, the proposed bill does not give enough allowance of time and opportunity for the concerned parties (insurance provider firms and employers) to calculate and predict the risk and costs that they might incur when the extension for the eligibility for insurance coverage, under premiums paid for by the parents, for this particular age group is finally implemented (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 5). These opponents that such drastic a change might result to employers totally waiving off the coverage for dependents completely due to increased costs and risks the bill can cause them to incur (Bill Analysis, 2009, p. 5). 7. Recommendation This bill contains provisions that, in my view, bring only positive contributions in improving the health care access to young adults. However, I need to agree with the insurance firms and employers that it does not seem to tackle the other side of the coin to make the arguments well-balanced. In other words, no attention has been given yet, neither is there any detail in the bill that indicates research has been done to ensure that risks and costs would not cause serious problems with insurance firms and companies in the future. References http://www. leginfo. ca. gov/pub/09-10/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/ab_29_bill_20090324_amended_asm_v98. html http://www. leginfo. ca. gov/pub/09-10/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/ab_29_cfa_20090326_100055_sen_comm. html http://www. leginfo. ca. gov/pub/09-10/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/ab_29_cfa_20090413_093510_asm_comm. html http://www. leginfo. ca. gov/cgi-bin/postquery? bill_number=ab_29sess=CURhouse=Bauthor=price

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mandy Camp :: Technology Email Computers Internet Essays

Mandy Camp â€Å"It saves time and it wastes it, makes life simpler and more complicated, brings us together and pushes us apart. Love it and hate it, it’s everywhere, all the time and here to stay† (Leonard 80). Is e-mailing an effective way to communicate information? The rises in the use of e-mail has both positive as well as negative aspects amongst its users. E-mail was developed in the 1960’s for scientific use. Its main purpose was to transfer information about nuclear war safely and effectively. Unlike letters sent through the mail, e-mails were almost guaranteed a safe arrival to its recipient. Soon after, e-mail became a type of technology that many people used mainly in academic institutions. Nowadays, e-mail is used among all types of people, not just scientists and academics. It is now a way of exchanging information that is used among businessmen, college students and professors, people who live fare away; almost everyone uses e-mail. Exchanging e-mail addresses rather than phone numbers is very common between two people (Michelle 2). When e-mail was first discovered, it was mainly seen as a positive aspect of transferring information, but later many negative aspects were brought up by users. About 225 million people in the world use e-mail, by either sending or receiving it (Newsweek International 80). One Positive aspect of e-mail is that it is timely. E-mail, unlike letters that are picked up by a postman, can be sent any time of the day or night. It can be sent from any computer as long as one knows the address of the recipient. E-mail is fast and effective when it comes to sending mail. When the e-mail is sent, the recipient receives the e-mail within a number of minutes. This is a huge aspect for many people because they live on a â€Å"time limit†. If it is necessary to inform someone of something important, but it is late at night, in stead of calling, one can quickly send an e-mail. Pictures, text, files or graphics can be transferred by e-mail, and the great thing is that it can be free. Another positive aspect of e-mail is that it can be free.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Emma is often said to be about the “education” of its central character

Jane Austen introduces us, the reader to a certain aspect of Emma's character right as the start, she says Emma, â€Å"seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence.† The word â€Å"seemed† shows us that Emma has some lessons to learn. Not lessons in the sense of schooling, but how she develops and matures. During the novel, Emma goes through many changes in her personality. I think she is growing up, helped along by a chain of events which change her outlook on life, and on people. Almost every character in the novel helps Emma on her way along the path to becoming an adult rather than a spoilt child. However, I think the only person in the novel who takes Emma seriously is Mr. Knightly. Though she defies him on many occasions, she has a â€Å"sort of habitual respect for his judgment† and her willingness to be guided by good principles helps her to change. Life for women at the time of Emma's existence was very different to life as we know it today. For a woman then, education was about how to become a good wife and mother. There were no career women. The only careers a woman could have were in the governess or servants trade. Moral fibres were needed to be a lady. Emma has these moral fibres, but she was lacking experience. Not until she learns self awareness and social awareness will she be a good wife. Emma thinks she will not marry and therefore has no need to change, but Jane Austen has other plans for her, and does not have her fall in love until she has changed into a lady. Although Emma knows she is the first lady of Highbury, she knows she is not as well accomplished and Jane Fairfax. This is where some of her jealousy for her comes from and why they are not good friends. When Emma rides home in the carriage in tears after Mr. Knightley's telling off at Box Hill, she decides to act more rationally from that point onwards. This is a significant point in the novel as it is the first time Emma cries, so the first time the reader knows Emma is hurt. She acknowledges that â€Å"With common sense, I am afraid I have had little to do†. It marks a point in her moral education, and now that she has become aware of her â€Å"insufferable vanity† and â€Å"unpardonable arrogance†, she can judge rightly. I think Jane Austen wants the reader to appreciate her honesty about herself, and her willingness to change. Like Mr. Knightley, â€Å"his eyes received the truth from her's, and all that had passed of good in her feelings were at once caught and honoured,† the reader takes her attempts to make amends with Miss Bates and Jane sincerely, for they are met with none of the self congratulation and complacency that were typical characteristics of Emma before her transformation. Though the reader may have felt that Emma was being a snob and lacking in care when she made the cruel remark, the reader also feels that she shows genuine regret for her sins. Mr. Knightley is also put off by Emma's inappropriate behaviour with Frank Churchill at Box Hill. Here Emma and Frank â€Å"flirted excessively†, breaking social convention, and because Mr. Knightley takes Emma seriously he believes that she is in love with Frank. Emma's cruel remark to Miss Bates, prompted by the high spirits of Frank, brings out a strong reaction from Mr. Knightley, who tells her off for this because Miss Bates is poor and has less social status. This shows his strong sense of duty and good judgment. Miss Bates also, at this point, takes Emma seriously, but has the generosity and openness to forgive her. Though at the time, Emma says it was done in jest, she later feels Mr. Knightley's words â€Å"at heart†, and responds by visiting Miss Bates the next day to make up for her cruelty. The language used in the chapter is used to make Emma feel like a sinner, and she has never felt so bad. Emma's encouragement of a romance between Mr. Elton and Harriet nearly wrecks the prospective marriage between Harriet and Mr. Martin, the match which is socially right. The unfortunate illegitimacy of Harriet encourages Emma's imagination about Harriet being the daughter of a gentleman, because she is beautiful. Mr. Knightley, like the narrator, knows â€Å"Harriet is the â€Å"natural daughter of Somebody†, and lucky that Mr. Martin does not object to this.† When Emma is happy that Harriet finds a match in Mr. Martin at the end the reader knows this happiness to be genuine: for Emma's plots have almost prevented this from occurring. This is another event that makes Emma realize that she cannot control the events of everyone and everything. It makes her think about her actions, however, on more than one occasion, her matchmaking goes wrong and she swears not to do it again, but does. When Mr. Elton tells Emma he loves her, her first thoughts are of Harriet, but then of herself, and she feels rather offended. Having slept on it, she feels better, having learnt only half her lesson. By the end of the chapter she is considering match making again. This shows she needed some lessons teaching more than once. After her mistakes, Emma realizes them and she displays an honesty which unites her to Mr. Knightley. The consequences of her absurdities, snobberies and misdirected mischievous ingenuities as well as her habit of self examination (seen after each of her mistakes) and Mr. Knightley giving her his good judgment, are what prompts Emma to â€Å"experience a moral rebirth, under the impetus of self knowledge. Mr. Knightley as the ‘moral yardstick' of the novel is the standard by which Emma and the reader evaluate other characters in the novel,† and because Mr. Knightley takes Emma seriously, the reader too comes to have a concern for Emma's moral development and education, and so take her seriously as the novel progresses. Though sometimes put off by her snobbery and vanity, these are the qualities of Emma which are reformed when the events that take place force her to face the truth about herself. These are also the very qualities which make her such an interesting characte r. The eponymous heroine is â€Å"handsome, clever, and rich† but she is also arrogant and suffers from self deception. With the judgment of Mr. Knightley, and her own self scrutiny, Emma experiences a movement of psyche, from arrogance and vanity through the humiliation of self knowledge to clarity of judgment and ability to be a good wife. As the novel progresses, the reader comes to take her seriously, because of the nature of the issues addressed in the novel, and while at times we may be put off by her snobbery, Jane Austen has written in such a way so as to make us feel sorry for her. â€Å"Emma is a character neither so good as to be uninteresting, nor so wholly cruel as to forfeit our sympathy.† By presenting things from Emma's point of view for the most part of the novel, the reader gets an insight into her inner thoughts and unexpressed feelings. Despite Jane Austen declaring that she would create a heroine â€Å"whom no one but myself should much like†, the reader does like Emma by the end, and appreciate her ability to change for the better. There is a clear difference between Emma's character at the beginning and at the end of the novel. The main lessons Emma learns, and that are clear to the reader from the outset, are that she is like everyone else in the sense that she needs love, and companionship, to be found in marriage, and that Mr. Knightley is always right. He is her morality and keeps her on the right track.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Growth and Development of Paksitani Media

Growth and Development of Paksitani Media Pak inherited 05 radio channel son its birth. International Trend played important role in development of Mass Media in Pakistan. Initial decades of Pakistani Media’s history have been dominated by PTV. 2. Government was compelled to permit freedom of media (a)Liberalization of airway in India led to mushroom growth of TV channels (b)In Kargil war India was able to sell its viewpoint to the world and cashed on its version while Pak suffered since it had only the state channel. (c)Economic boom in telecom in Pakistan. Commercial nature of Media was discovered in the economic advantages related to it. Revenue generated by Media in 2002 was 2 billion and in 2007 this soared to Rs. 17 Billion. (d)Literacy rate / level grew in Pakistan and played a role in media Development. (e)Arrival of cable operators / network and its growth held vision. (f)Govt policies played vital role, especially of President Musharraf. Javed Jabbar. Said â€Å"Media is more powerful then nuclear devices† he worked on PEMRA 3. Private sector was involved and posed challenge to state media. State Media to compete with Pvt Media has to improve and become more open and provide realistic stories, this reformed the State Media as well _ since realistic input was being provided by the Pvt Media. 4. Pak Media Market was in raw form and was untapped; it had the potential to grow. Phenomenon of community based radio channels i. e. FM channel, community based Services (print / elect) have played important role in media development. 5. Number of Press Media / Printing groups were permitted and have launched their TV channels e. . Jang Group – Geo, etc. 6. Mass media is the major source of providing news and entertainment to the people who wants to know who is doing what and what is happening. Aristotle in his book â€Å"Poetics† has written that â€Å"Media is a means of catharsis and is must for normal living†. 7. The entertainment and news value of media has played very important role its development. However, electronic media enjoys larger scope over print media, since it has wider audience, is easily accessible and be understood by even illiterate people. The media provides wide range of entertainment / news according to interest of people of different age groups / liking / languages. Talk Shows Mania has brought more liberalization and has revolutionized the concept since erstwhile taboo issues are being discussed enhancing the awareness of people. 8. The realization in the people and Government about the role of media in society / economic development is there. Indian soap operas have a large viewer ship and their popularity has attracted lots of commercials / advertisement. The commercial aspects attached to the media have contributed to its rapid development. . The Infrastructure Development has taken place. Modern state of art studios /introduction of latest equipment / communication facilities like video conferencing, fax, electronic data transfer, chat / mobiles, etc have brought in a revolution and contributed immensely in the media development. 10. The advertisement / commercials have brought big money to media market. The co ntents of programmes are changing. The high economic stakes attached to the media have brought in Professionalism in all its related fields. Due open market, there is a Scarcity of professional media men 1. The abundance of media outlets has on one hand has created lot of employment opportunities but on the other has posed challenges to the media men to excel in their fields. Jang Group has more than 50,000 employees; media persons are getting enhanced wages. Today we have number of highly professional and well-known media persons who are stalwarts of Pakistani Media and form its backbone. 12. Dozens Of other factors have played role in the development of Pakistani Media. It has been a â€Å"watchdog† on actions of the state, people strengthened the media. Media has played important role in discussing un-touched subjects. It has helped harmonizing the nation on otherwise contentious issues. The competition among the channels is bringing in qualitative improvement in the content and other aspects of programmes Impact of Cable TV Media is strengthening development in Pakistan. †¢Media has supported Democracy. †¢Media has highlighted Public issues. †¢Media has given voice to neglected element of society. †¢Media has become entertainment industry; it satisfies all segments, age groups of our society. CERTAIN NEGATIVE ROLE OF PAKISTANI MEDIA . Consumerism. Our society is consuming all messages being spread by the Media. Media has made us a talking nation, the Mobile Mania-kids, ladies, youngsters all are just talking on the mobile phones. The effect of media is very strong with respect to advertisement on consumer products, instead of being producer media has made us consumer. 2. Moral Vacuum. The dramas, programmes etc shown on media glamorize everything they depict, this has created a moral vacuum and our younger generation is going away for our values (religious, social). 3. Westernization. Western / Indian cultural invasion has taken place through media and is permeating Pakistan society. Our commercials are depicting western values and causing a loss of national identity. There are media talk shows on subjects including sex etc which otherwise are taboo in our society. 4. Not Developing National Image. Our Media is blamed for not developing /projecting our national image. Our media at times uses Indian language; projects Indian Stars in our ads, etc, the threats posed to our values are immense and must be countered. Our country lacks a defined policy to promote national image through media. . False Values. Pakistani Media is projecting false values in its programmes, etc. The projection of family planning, love stories in dramas, hi-fi living styles / material depicted in dramas, etc. are not real and are not based on ground realities. (a)Media lacks compact programmes to educate Pakistani nation. (b)Projected values on media are not congruent with our values / ground realities. It is actually projecting ‘False Values’. (c)Programmes / dramas shown are exaggerated beyond imagination. 6. Manifestation of Interests. Media is negatively manipulating the interests of the people. People of Pakistan are yet not critical / educated enough to realize this manipulation / twisting of facts. There is a famous dictum that â€Å"a lie spoken 100 times becomes greater than a truth†. 7. Exaggeration. Pakistani media is also blamed for overwhelming negative Exaggeration. It glamorizes issues, resorts to negative exaggeration of matters, newspaper headlines are depicting violence, etc all this demoralizes the nation. At times news are given without authentication / confirmation. Unethical material /photographs / scenes are shown on our media promoting vulgarization. Media is Damaging basic fiber of our nation and has created a crisis of misidentification. 8. Dangers to Socialization. We remain fixed to TV screens at the cost of socialization. We cut short our social activities just to watch some favorite programmes on TV. We are not undertaking socialization / giving time to our kids, parents, etc because we are glued to TV etc. This is developing a generation gap. We are giving more time to TV channels and less time to social activity and a sort of isolation is being developed. 9. Sensationalizing / Creating Uncertainty. Our media sensationalize the issues / accidents / incidents. When too much of information is available it creates confusion. Our media is broadcasting every type of information at times even compromising the accuracy and is creating uncertainty. 10. Overloaded with Information. Pakistani Media is discussing so many of topics are actually bombarding the audience with information. Media has flooded us with information. (a)This is psychologically not good for our scenes and disturbs our body functions. (b)Media is stuffing our minds with all types of information and has onverted us into ‘generalist’. Media is misusing our energies. (c)Media has become corporate; it possesses / uses lot of resources and has phenomenal business / financial benefits attached to it, accordingly it bombards the viewers with information. Different surveys are undertaken to find out various methods on how to attract the viewers / readers. Media Marketing has Converted us into recipient. Media is s pending so much of money on efforts to attract / enhance its viewer ship. (d)Commercials breaks are introduced at the peak points of programmes. Such commercials are very expensive.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

ben franklin essays

ben franklin essays Benjamin Franklin, one of the most important people of the new American Dream was born in Boston in January 1706 to a tradesman and a homemaker. It seemed unlikely that Benjamin Franklin would succeed in becoming one of the shapers of the American dream. Josiah Franklin, his father, a young Dyer in England with his first wife Anne and his three children, Josiah, Hanna, Samuel, and Elizabeth left England and came to Boston in 1683. In the begging society of Boston population 5,000 they seemed not to be in need of Josiahs skills forcing him to find a new trade candle and soap making. Many years later Anne Franklin died from complication of giving birth to her seventh child. Franklins father soon married Abaih Folger of Nantucket who went on to have ten more children who Benjamin was the eight child. From Benjamins point of view his mother was a very caring and loving person. James Franklin, Benjamins older brother had already become a printer by the age of twenty-one. Seeing the opportunity Benjamin signed on with his brother for nine years in 1718. The contract committed Benjamin to work for his brother nine years until the age of twenty-one. The new work opened doors for Benjamin. Through his brothers dealings with booksellers, Benjamin was exposed to a great deal of literature and philosophy. Benjamin franklins talent and ingenuity were instrumental in making his brothers business a success. James had a contract for printing the Boston Gazette. After ten months the contract had ended and was transferred to a rival printer. This angered Benjamin so he started his own newspaper, The New England Courant, in august 1721. Benjamin was assigned to the duty of composing the type and printing the pages. He was also in charge of distributing to reach more readers. Inspired by the dream of becoming a writer Benjamin, ascertain that his brother would not publish any of his work began slipping his work un...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Merit Pay Increase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Merit Pay Increase - Essay Example Likewise, for many decades in American society, if an individual worked hard and did their best they received pay increases or bonuses, accordingly. The concept, though basic in its nature, is vital, due to its profound impact on future performance. Individuals, who receive praise for past actions are more inclined to repeat and possibly increase the action. Due to recent economic turmoil, however, many companies have stopped giving rewards or pay increases for superior performance. This leaves many employees feeling unappreciated, and as a result unmotivated to do better in the future. One particular case study, given, that exemplifies this predicament is the company of Diverse Prints. They are a marketing company that typically gives large bonuses to their employees based on their job performance appraisals. However, due to the faltering economy the lead people in charge, Ann and Sam, are debating as to whether they should give small bonuses to everyone, or continue with the perfor mance based bonuses, though they will be much smaller than usual. After taking a look at the profound impact job performance recognition has on the employee, the company, and eventually the economy, the question of whether or not merit pay increases should be given will become clear. Though some may argue a person should do their job to the best of their ability regardless of extrinsic recognition or praise, it is simply human nature to crave this type of recognition. Diverse Prints typically conducts job performance appraisals, which is the optimal time for managers to review the strengths and weakness of each employee. It also provides the opportunity for the employee to receive constructive criticism on how to improve areas of weakness, and praise for the areas of their job that are done well. As both Sam and Ann agree the performance appraisals must still be conducted for continued company growth and improvement. However, where they disagree is the fact that Sam feels they shoul d take the meager, two percent budget allotted to pay increases and spread it out evenly to all employees to compensate for cost of living increases. Ann, on the other hand, feels that it is, in a way, unfair to give all the employees equal raises, if their performances are not equal. Plus, she wants to keep the top producing workers happy so that when the economy is doing well they will choose to stay with the company. It seems that by giving a small raise to everyone, all will be evenly unsatisfied. It is important to give honor or praise to where it is due, and if a successful, hardworking employee sees that they are given the same bonus as the person that was lazy all year they will not be motivated to try harder in the future. Ann is right in her assessment that it would be best to explain to all the employees that the bonuses will not be as large as previous years, due to financial hard times, but that they will still be given according to job performance. This allows the indi vidual employee to still feel a sense of accomplishment and recognition from the company for a job well done, and will encourage them to do the same if not more in the future. It also may help motivate those who slacked the year before to do better in the future. A good analogy of this concept can be seen in High School. If everyone was given a diploma for simply showing up, and not based on whether they passed or failed their courses, no student would have the motivation to try harder. In the same way by rewarding those who are successful, they are encouraged to do the same or more, and those who slacked have something to work towards. The second aspect that merit based bonus aide in, is the company

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of Leadership in Managing Quality Research Paper

Role of Leadership in Managing Quality - Research Paper Example Moreover leaders establish a particular direction for their followers which allow them in managing the internal environment of the organization, business, school, institute, nation etc. Once the adherents follow guidance provided by their leader efficiently they can ultimately achieve their targeted goals, aims and objectives in an organized manner. Hence it is clearly evident that quality can easily be maintained with good leadership on any stage or medium as it is the excellence of leaders who are able to set objectives efficiently and assist their followers in implementing those objectives within specified time limits (, 2012). In Big Organization Considering the role of leaders in big organization it is found that leaders are proactive and lead their employees through providing example. The employees follow such instances after being inspired by the charismatic leadership of their leader rather than having a sense of dictatorship. A good leader is one who leads in a ma nner which is depicted through implementation and then leading through actions as opposed to simply dictating their rules and actions without exemplifying any real instances. Leaders recognize and act in response to the variation of the external environment and completely understand the ups and downs of the changing external environment. They are then able to communicate the right direction to their followers for attaining quality in work. The role of leadership in a big organization is to comprehend the requirements of every stakeholder such as clients, owners, suppliers, working staff, general public and any other concerned associate of the business. Every stakeholder formulates the significant part of the quality management process hence they all combine to have an effect on organization’s success. It is the quality of good leadership to induce ethical values throughout their organization which can be achieved through organization’s mission statement or they can the mselves become role models for inspiring their employees for becoming a strategic part of quality management initiative (, 2011). True leadership has the ability to equip their employees with the essential resources and struggle to fulfil their duty with sincerity and accountability. The entire organization can be motivated by true leaders for fulfilling their duties and get everyone involved in the process of quality management. It is essential at this stage that leaders must inspire and recognize the contributions and efforts made by employees at all levels which will further instigate a sense of accountability amongst employees and will inspire them in attaining more results and they will voluntarily involve more in quality management procedures. This entire process is dependent on the inputs from both sides whether it is the leader or it is the company’s workforce (Ovretveit, 2005). In Educational Institution The educational field has also changed consider ably in a manner that education administration is now treated more towards the scope of educational management which is now further improvised and transformed into educational leadership. This example is clearly evident from the ceremony held in 2000 having the inauguration of the National College for School Leadership in England. The expression ‘instructional leadership’ is basically derived from North America and it has been superseded in England and all around the world by the concept of ‘learning centred leadership’. It has become a requirement for educational leaders and managers to focus all their efforts more towards the quality management of their educational institution for competing with the other leading